HISTORY OF CPP / C++ C++ development started in 1979 , by Bjarne Stroustup at AT&T (American telegraph and telegram) Bell laboratory, located in U.S.A. Initially in 1979 , C++ was invented as the name “ C with classes ”. Later in 1983 , it was renamed as “ C++ ”. As we know “++” operator is used for increment, so “C++” basically is Increment/Enhancement in C-language so that’s why “C with classes” renamed to “C++”. Bjarne stroustrup influenced by features of C-language and OOP (Object Oriented Programing) in Simula67 language and invented C++ language. C++ was First Widely Accepted General-Purpose Object-Oriented programing language. C++ is superset of C-language, which means C++ contains features of C-language and adds some of its own. So that’s why C++ is also known as the extended version of C-language. The most popular language JAVA is written in C++ language. Many operating systems like “IOS” also written in C++ language. C++ is 4 th most used language. C++ ...